White screen in iOS18

Our app:


BookApp Business, does not work in iOS 18 when it starts it opens a white screen it is developed in Xamarin Forms and we cannot update it are there any solutions?

tanks for support Alex

When I tap my app that I built the screen turns white. WHat should I do?

When I tap my app that I built the screen turns white. WHat should I do?

Same issue brother idk how to solve the problem

With the faceid trick I let my customers in, we have the new app ready, but it would have been better to find a solution

Please file a bug report using the Feedback Assistant tool to upload additional information about your issue including logs from the device, https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/ After you create your report, reply here with the Feedback ID

@ante1975 seems that the issue is on Xamarin.Forms side at least on my end it was due the NavigationPage having the first item as TabbedPage I need to first push a dummy page then navigate to the main root page and that solves the issue at least while I complete the MAUI migration, Im adding a dummy code that you can use, hope that this can solve the issue on your end too

if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                    var workaroundDummyPage = new ContentPage
                        Content = new ContentView { }

                    var navigationPage = new NavigationPage(workaroundDummyPage);

                    Application.Current.MainPage = navigationPage;

                    await Task.Delay(100);

                    await navigationPage.PushAsync(page);


White screen in iOS18