Upload Symbols Failed on Xcode 16

I am using GoogleMobileAds package dependencies and now when I want to archive and export an app I get this two warnings :

Upload Symbols Failed The archive did not include a dSYM for the GoogleMobileAds.framework with the UUIDs [13B55A37-D103-36E1-8D7B-FA4EAB2C8146]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for GoogleMobileAds.framework with the expected UUIDs.

Upload Symbols Failed The archive did not include a dSYM for the UserMessagingPlatform.framework with the UUIDs [A3941120-02A1-30B5-8C28-BFC0F9496E16]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for UserMessagingPlatform.framework with the expected UUIDs.

I have updated the packages to 11.9.0 (lasted) and Xcode 16 to 16 RC (lasted also) and I would like to know how to fix this... With Xcode 15 I have no problem !! I can export with no warnings ! But now with Xcode 16 no... Thanks for helping !

Answered by lmDeveloper1 in 803773022

i would submit some Feedbacks we are seeing this with other SDK's the more feedbacks / info they have the more they can investigate, i have a feeling this is a xcode validation issue, for now im just ignoring them, i can still upload apps / deploy so its not a stopper, just annoying getting warnings

Same issue with Xcode 16

Same issue here with Xcode 16

Same issue here as well on Xcode 16 – no idea how the problem even occurred.

happened this morning to me, uploading a react native app, fortunately is just a warning, the app still went through

Same issue with Xcode 16 and SalesForce Marketing Cloud SDKs.

Apple? Bueller? Bueller? Apple? Is anyone going to chime in on this problem?!?

Why is every upgrade to XCode so painful?!?

Personally, I don't really care if DOJ thnks Apple has a "monopoly". Apple's existence helped me to create my own small business. BUT, frankly, I'm really fed up with having to spend 3,4,8, 12 hours getting my projects to build properly every time they update their Mac O/S and XCode. With a trillion $ market cap, I think it's reasonable to expect that that they, as a "partner" would test their releases better! The amount of time and money I spend getting things "back to square 1" after an Apple update is ridiculous!

I think it's Xcode bug. I used Transporter to upload my app, But Any "Upload Symbols Failed" warning didn't comes out.

Same issue with me too on Xcode 16. Happening for a lot of SDKs included in the project.

Same issue after upgrading Xcode to 16. Flutter macos.

Take a look at this link **https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/privacy/data-disclosure#xcode-16-warnings **

I hope it helps.

wait for the official update to see if there is a way to resolve this error.

Yes same here with all frameworks when building. App now not reporting debug information correctly. Any workarounds or fixes?

Same issue from my side, happens only on new Xcode 16.0. In my case, the issues are with:

  • libHarfBuzzSharp.framework
  • libSkiaSharp.framework

Nevertheless, the app upload was successful.

Steps to Resolve the Issue

Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your dSYM files are included in your archive:

1.	Check Build Settings:
•	Go to your project settings in Xcode.
•	Select the target for your app.
•	Navigate to the Build Settings tab.
•	Search for Debug Information Format and ensure it is set to DWARF with dSYM File for both Debug and Release configurations.
2.	Clean the Build Folder:

Same issue when uploading app testflight after updating Xcode version to Xcode 16 with Flutter app

Upload Symbols Failed on Xcode 16