Add the capability of "Access Wi-Fi information" and show the location access indicator

We met a question recently in our project, we try to achieve the SSID,so we need to do the following two things :

  1. request location permission
  2. add the capability of "Access Wi-Fi information"

then the app always shows the location access indicator. , In the app privacy report , we see the app always request the location.

But when I try to remove "Access Wi-Fi information" the capability , the scenario disappear.

Any ideas can explain this ? How can I remove the location access indicator with out remove the "Access Wi-Fi information" . I indeed need this.

Thanks in advance.

Answered by Engineer in 802647022

Accessing the SSID is considered private location information because it is possible to determine the location of a device based on a unique SSID.

The location in use indicator will come on whenever an app accesses location information, and in your case the Wi-Fi Information.

To protect the user's privacy, apps are required to obtain location authorization, and the users will be alerted that an app is accessing their location information if they access Wi-Fi information.

There is indeed no need for any app to hide they are accessing the user's location, and there is no way to hide the fact that an app is accessing device location, either by removing the location access indicator, or the app privacy report.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

Accessing the SSID is considered private location information because it is possible to determine the location of a device based on a unique SSID.

The location in use indicator will come on whenever an app accesses location information, and in your case the Wi-Fi Information.

To protect the user's privacy, apps are required to obtain location authorization, and the users will be alerted that an app is accessing their location information if they access Wi-Fi information.

There is indeed no need for any app to hide they are accessing the user's location, and there is no way to hide the fact that an app is accessing device location, either by removing the location access indicator, or the app privacy report.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

Add the capability of "Access Wi-Fi information" and show the location access indicator