Issue with Pivot Points of Primitive Shapes in Reality Composer Pro for visionOS App

Hi everyone,

I'm developing a visionOS app using SwiftUI and RealityKit, and I'm encountering an issue with the pivot points of primitive shapes created in Reality Composer Pro.


When I use Reality Composer Pro within Xcode to add primitive shapes (such as cubes, capsules, etc.) to my scene, the pivot points for these objects seem to be set incorrectly. The pivot is located far from the actual object, which affects transformations and positioning.


Is there a way to correct or adjust the pivot point for primitive shapes created in Reality Composer Pro?

Additional Information:

I’ve attached a screenshot illustrating the issue with the pivot point being misaligned. Any guidance on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best, Siddharth

I found the solution myself. It turns out the issue was with Reality Composer Pro. After restarting the application, the pivot point correctly aligns to the center of the model

Issue with Pivot Points of Primitive Shapes in Reality Composer Pro for visionOS App