Passkey displayName not supported by public key credential?

In AuthorizationServices support for displayName exists in:

class ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialProvider func createCredentialRegistrationRequest( challenge: Data, displayName: String, name: String, userID: Data ) -> ASAuthorizationSecurityKeyPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest

but is not supported in the corresponding class:

class ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider func createCredentialRegistrationRequest( challenge: Data, name: String, userID: Data ) -> ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest

I was under the impression that this should be supported in public key credential registration?

Having a separate name and displayName, even with the best of intent, generally ends up being more confusing than helpful. The name field is meant to be the equivalent of what would be a username associated with a password. Given that passkeys are meant to be a replacement for passwords, that is the field we've chosen to support, as it ends up providing the best experience for users.

Because the displayName is never used in the UI, it's also not an option in the API for passkeys. The security key API has to support passing a value so that we're compatible with hardware security keys, but that value is never visible to user.

Passkey displayName not supported by public key credential?