ControlPushHandler pushTokensDidChange never called

I'm trying to implement push notifications to update Control Center Widget as described here:

I've made my handler

import WidgetKit
import CommonTools
@available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *)
struct ControlCenterPushHandler: ControlPushHandler {
    func pushTokensDidChange(controls: [ControlInfo]) {
        print("pushTokensDidChange called.  \(controls)")
            print("ControlInfo \($0)")

And registered it for my controls

var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration {
            kind: WidgetConfig.Constants.controlCenterLock,
            provider: Provider()) { value in

and then run my software on an iPhone 15 pro running iOS 18 developer beta 7.

pushTokensDidChange is not called as I add and remove controls from the control panel. Or ever for that matter.

If I inspect push tokens when my currentValue code runs

  struct Provider: AppIntentControlValueProvider {
        func currentValue(configuration: ControlCenterButtonConfiguration) async throws -> Value {
            let controls = try await ControlCenter.shared.currentControls()
               print("ControlInfo \($0)")

pushInfo is always nil

ControlInfo ControlInfo(kind: "ControlCenterLock", pushInfo: nil, control:...

What steps are needed to get a push token?

Having the same issue. Did you ever resolve it?

ControlPushHandler pushTokensDidChange never called