How to delete built in iOS Simulator in Xcode 14

I am using Xcode 14, but the built in iOS 16 simulator does not run properly on my device, so I use iOS 14 simulator. If I use the old version of Xcode then I will have to compromise with many labraries, frameworks and features and I don't want that. So I want to delete the built in iOS 16 simulator of Xcode 14 to free up memory, because I don't need this. please help me ?

There is some confusion in what you explain.

Either you run the app on simulator or you run on device. But then, it is not simulator, it is real device app.

To remove the app in simulator, look at the simulator home page and search for your app. Then remove the app, as you would do on a real device, by long pressing on the app name and then click on the minus sign on the app icon.

Then validate with OK.

But the only good solution is to find why your app does not work well on device. There is likely some issues in your code that you'd better correct before publishing the app.

You actually need iOS 16 Simulator runtime because it's used during the build process, even when you target an iOS 14 device.

How to delete built in iOS Simulator in Xcode 14