Weird error about EnvironmentResource

    func createEnvironmentResource(image:UIImage) -> EnvironmentResource? {
        do {
            let cube = try  TextureResource(
                cubeFromEquirectangular: image.cgImage!,
                quality: .normal,
                options: TextureResource.CreateOptions(semantic: .hdrColor)
            let environment = try  EnvironmentResource(
                cube: cube,
                options: EnvironmentResource.CreateOptions(
                    samplingQuality: .normal,
                    specularCubeDimension: cube.width/2
                    //                        compression: .astc(blockSize: .block4x4, quality: .high)
            return environment
            print("error: \(error)")
        return nil

When I put this code in the project, it can run normally on the visionOS 2.0 simulator. When it is run on the real machine, an error is reported at startup:

dyld[987]: Symbol not found: _$s10RealityKit19EnvironmentResourceC4cube7optionsAcA07TextureD0C_AC0A10FoundationE13CreateOptionsVtKcfC
  Referenced from: <DEC8652C-109C-3B32-BE6B-FE634EC0D6D5> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/CD2FAAE0-415A-4534-9700-37D325DFA845/
  Expected in:     <403FB960-8688-34E4-824C-26E21A7F18BC> /System/Library/Frameworks/RealityFoundation.framework/RealityFoundation

What is the reason and how to solve it ?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 801174022

Hello @xuhengfei,

Please make sure that your device is updated to the latest visionOS beta, and that you are building your app with the latest Xcode 16 beta. Then, if you still encounter this issue, please file a bug report using Feedback Assistant.

Best regards,


Hello @xuhengfei,

Please make sure that your device is updated to the latest visionOS beta, and that you are building your app with the latest Xcode 16 beta. Then, if you still encounter this issue, please file a bug report using Feedback Assistant.

Best regards,


Weird error about EnvironmentResource