Live Activity won't display

The Live Activity work well in my iPhone13 & iPhone14, but nothing happened in the lock screen after I activate the Live Activity in the iPhone12, ran iOS16.7.2, with all the permission are approved.


@objc func onOpen() {
        guard ActivityAuthorizationInfo().areActivitiesEnabled else {
        do {
            let attributes = LiveActivityWidgetAttributes(location: "OF01 Apartments", machine: "DS 12")
            let content = actvityContent(progress: 0, washingTime: Int(self.runningTime), isDone: false)
            self.liveActivity = try Activity<LiveActivityWidgetAttributes>.request(attributes: attributes, content: content)
            self.initialTimeStamp = Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)

            self.lastTimeStamp = Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
        } catch {
            debugPrint("failed open")


 @objc func onUpdate() {
        Task {
            let current = Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
            let passed = current - self.initialTimeStamp
            let pgs = (Double(passed) / 60.0 / self.runningTime) > 1 ? 1 : Double(passed) / 60.0 / self.runningTime
            let remainingMnts = Int(ceil((self.runningTime * 60.0 - Double(passed)) / 60))
            self.progress = ceil(Double(passed) / self.timerStep)
            let content = actvityContent(progress: pgs, washingTime: remainingMnts, isDone: (pgs == 1))
            await liveActivity?.update(content)
Live Activity won't display