ManagedAppDistribution problem with getting the apps


We are trying to use the Managed App Distribution framework with our mdm following the documentation here :

But on the first load we don't get anything, the app keep getting stuck inside the following code without sending an error or getting the managed apps

for try await result in ManagedAppLibrary.currentDistributor.availableApps {
                content = try result.get().map(Content.managedApp)

If we update the list of available managed apps in our mdm, the function execute and so we have all the apps displayed as expected, but if we close and re-open the app it'll again not display anything until we update the managed apps list.

How can we fetched our managed apps at anytime and not only when the list is updated ? Why this method seems to be waiting for an update instead of just fetching the available managed apps when we call it ?

ManagedAppDistribution problem with getting the apps