VisionOS system Boundary

Hello I want to ask help from VisionOS devs inside Apple, if it is possible to extend or disable(toggle) the Play Space boundary which is 1.5 meter or 10 feets right now, it is really a shame with such great display and computing power we can't run any room scale VR, I'm currently working on a Undergrad Thesis which choose to use the AVP but I didn't know about this boundary until I've build my room in Unity and put onto my device, is it possible to cut us some slacks regarding the boundary? much thanks

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 800235022

Hey @ChinaHarry23,

You are correct, as outlined in Creating fully immersive experiences in your app:

When you start a fully immersive experience, visionOS defines a system boundary that extends approximately 1.5 meters from the initial position of the person’s head. If their head moves outside of that zone, the system automatically stops the immersive experience and turns on the external video again. This feature is an assistant to help prevent someone from colliding with objects.

Additionally, under the Human Interface Guidelines for Immersive experiences we advise the following:

Avoid encouraging people to move while they’re in an immersive experience. For example, let people bring a virtual object closer to them instead of expecting them to move close to the object.

Are there other ways for the user to navigate your immersive experience without requiring them to walk around in their physical space? Could you provide me with a little bit more information as to your use case so I can better understand what options might be available to you?

If you'd like us to consider adding this type of functionality, please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant. Once you file the request, please post the FB number here. If you're not familiar with how to file enhancement requests, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Hope this helps,

Hey @ChinaHarry23,

You are correct, as outlined in Creating fully immersive experiences in your app:

When you start a fully immersive experience, visionOS defines a system boundary that extends approximately 1.5 meters from the initial position of the person’s head. If their head moves outside of that zone, the system automatically stops the immersive experience and turns on the external video again. This feature is an assistant to help prevent someone from colliding with objects.

Additionally, under the Human Interface Guidelines for Immersive experiences we advise the following:

Avoid encouraging people to move while they’re in an immersive experience. For example, let people bring a virtual object closer to them instead of expecting them to move close to the object.

Are there other ways for the user to navigate your immersive experience without requiring them to walk around in their physical space? Could you provide me with a little bit more information as to your use case so I can better understand what options might be available to you?

If you'd like us to consider adding this type of functionality, please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant. Once you file the request, please post the FB number here. If you're not familiar with how to file enhancement requests, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Hope this helps,

Hello I’m actually building a fully immersive VR experience using big space VR like even if you have a vr environment, that environment will be fully matched to a big empty room, so I’m sure there will be no danger for the user, also my undergrad thesis is to create a haptic glove to work in the Vision Pro in escape room settings, so I need to be able to walk around the unity built VR, in order to interact with The scene I’ve built, I want to do a proof of concept of if you can walk around the space instead of locomotion or teleport will address motion sickness, Im also experimenting some IoT modules to be placed in the room for temp feedback

After I’ve got the AVP among the first people of the world in February and tried the encounter dinosaur the first thought in my mind was what if we could touch them

VisionOS system Boundary