MLTensor computation took more time than expected.

func testMLTensor() {
    let t1 = MLTensor(shape: [2000, 1], scalars: [Float](repeating: Float.random(in: 0.0...10.0), count: 2000), scalarType: Float.self)
    let t2 = MLTensor(shape: [1, 3000], scalars: [Float](repeating: Float.random(in: 0.0...10.0), count: 3000), scalarType: Float.self)
    for _ in 0...50 {
        let t = Date()
        let x = (t1 * t2)
        print("MLTensor", t.timeIntervalSinceNow * 1000, "ms")


The above code took more time than expected, especially in the early stage of iteration.

MLTensor computation took more time than expected.