App's Location, Camera, and Microphone Permissions Missing from Settings


I am currently developing an app using React Native. The app requires the following permissions: location sharing, camera access, photo library access (write and usage), and microphone access. I have listed all the necessary permissions in the Info.plist file.

Until two days ago, everything was working perfectly. However, since then, the location, camera, and microphone permissions have disappeared from the App's Settings page. The photo library permission remains intact.

I have not encountered any errors in the Xcode build, and there are no notable differences in the logs. I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Deleted and reinstalled the app.
  • Removed and re-added the permissions in the Info.plist file, including testing the photo library permission which works as expected.
  • Cleared the Xcode derived data cache using rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*.
  • Deleted and reinstalled CocoaPods by removing the Pod and Podfile.lock files.
  • Reverted to versions from more than two days ago, but the permissions are still missing.
  • Tested on the simulator, but the issue persists.

Interestingly, a team member located in a different country (South Korea) reports that all permissions except the microphone are working fine.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? What could be causing this problem? Are there any suggested solutions or inspired approaches to resolve this?

Thank you in advance for any assistance or insights.

App's Location, Camera, and Microphone Permissions Missing from Settings