Loading USDZ asset into Model3D causes visionOS 2.0 beta 5 to crash

We've recently discovered that our app crashes on startup on the latest visionOS 2.0 beta 5 (22N5297g) build. In fact, the entire field of view would dim down and visionOS would then restart, showing the Apple logo. Interestingly, no app crash is reported by Xcode during debug.

After investigation, we have isolated the issue to a specific USDZ asset in our app. Loading it in a sample, blank project also causes visionOS to reliably crash, or become extremely unresponsive with rendering artifacts everywhere.

This looks like a potentially serious issue. Even if the asset is problematic, loading it should not crash the entire OS. We have filed feedback FB14756285, along with a demo project. Hopefully someone can take a look. Thanks!

We have the same issue with beta 5. The visionOS 2 simulator still runs fine.

Hi @NSCruiser ,

thanks for filing that bug report. This is a known issue that our engineers are already aware of, if you continue seeing this in future betas please update this post!


Loading USDZ asset into Model3D causes visionOS 2.0 beta 5 to crash