Hi. I'm trying to use the following command to set a wallpaper on an iPhone :
/usr/local/bin/cfgutil -K "/Users/ladmin/Downloads/privateKey.der" -C "/Users/ladmin/Downloads/publicCert.der" --ecid 0xE64120151001E set-wallpaper -s home "/Users/ladmin/Downloads/mickey-iPhone-12-Pro-12-wallpaper.png"
The answer is always : --- Summary --- Operation "set-wallpaper" failed on 1 devices. cfgutil: error: An internal error occurred. Unknown service request error. (Domain: ConfigurationUtilityKit.error Code: 100)
The same type of command works with an iPad. Apple Configurator 2 can set the wallpaper on the iPhone. Is there something different to do with cfgutil when setting a wallpaper on an iPhone ?
Thanks for your insights ! Franck