Every topic I can find online about this entitlement error suggests I don't have the correct entitlements on. I do in fact have the correct entitlements enabled, but xcode doesn't seem to recognize them.
dev@dev-MacBook-Pro Debug-appletvos % codesign -d --entitlements - ProductName.app
[Key] application-identifier
[String] <teamID>.Company.ProductName
[Key] com.apple.developer.associated-domains
[String] webcredentials:<api_url>
[Key] com.apple.developer.team-identifier
[String] <teamID>
[Key] com.apple.developer.user-management
[String] get-current-user
[Key] com.apple.developer.weatherkit
[Bool] true
[Key] com.apple.security.application-groups
[String] group.Company.ProductName
[Key] get-task-allow
[Bool] true
[Key] keychain-access-groups
[String] <teamID>.com.Company.ProductName
[String] <teamID>.Company.ProductName
OSStatus error:[-34018] Internal error when a required entitlement isn't present, client has neither application-identifier nor keychain-access-groups entitlements.
I am unsure about the application-identifier part, as this isn't even an option in the entitlements, and keychain sharing was already turned on. These errors stop my app from launching. A few days ago this wasn't an issue. Now after launching xcode again this suddenly becomes an issue out of nowhere.
Platform: tvOS simulator runtime and Apple TV 4k (3rd generation)
Target version: 18.0
Development Hardware: macbook pro m2 max
Development Software: macos Sonoma 14.5