How do I set the *static* position of a `SKSpriteNode` so that it tilts toward the `UIBezierPath` as if it were following this Path?

How do I set the static position of a SKSpriteNode so that it tilts toward the UIBezierPath as if it were following this Path?

When I first start my App, these Nodes are all aligned in a straight line

When I call:

var trainAction = SKAction.follow(trainPath.cgPath,
                                  asOffset: false,
                                  orientToPath: true,
                                  speed: thisSpeed)

for moving the train, the train + each car will orient its tilt to hug the trainPath.

But I want the identical tilt to hug the trainPath for its initial static presentation.

How do I do that?

How do I set the *static* position of a `SKSpriteNode` so that it tilts toward the `UIBezierPath` as if it were following this Path?