I am trying to run eas submit
but I am getting this error:
Asset validation failed Invalid MinimumOSVersion. Apps that only support 64-bit devices must specify a deployment target of 8.0 or later.
I was able to run eas submit
successfully just 9 days ago. There have been no changes to my configuration. I'm using Expo, and have SDK 51. This is a React Native app (version 0.74.3).
If anyone else has seen this error and has resolved it without using XCode, please let me know.
I tried again today and it worked. On Friday, I did upgrade some libraries.. but it didn't work... today I just tried again (without any changes) and it worked.
I did add this to app.json, but I added it on Friday and it didn't make a difference... so I doubt this is what fixed it:
"infoPlist": {
"MinimumOSVersion": "8.0"