Hello everybody,
I am running into an error with BNNS.NormalizationLayer
. It appears to only work with .vector
, and matrix shapes throws layerApplyFail
during training. Inference doesn't throw but the output stays the same.
How to correctly use BNNS.NormalizationLayer
with matrix shapes? How to debug layerApplyFail
let array: [Float32] = [
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06,
07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
// let inputShape: BNNS.Shape = .vector(6 * 3) // works
let inputShape: BNNS.Shape = .matrixColumnMajor(6, 3)
let input = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape)
let output = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape)
let beta = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(repeating: Float32(0), shape: inputShape, batchSize: 1)
let gamma = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(repeating: Float32(1), shape: inputShape, batchSize: 1)
let activation: BNNS.ActivationFunction = .identity
let layer = BNNS.NormalizationLayer(type: .layer(normalizationAxis: 0), input: input, output: output, beta: beta, gamma: gamma, epsilon: 1e-12, activation: activation)!
let layerInput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(initializingFrom: array, shape: inputShape)
let layerOutput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape)
// try layer.apply(batchSize: 1, input: layerInput, output: layerOutput, for: .inference) // No throw
try layer.apply(batchSize: 1, input: layerInput, output: layerOutput, for: .training)
_ = layerOutput.makeArray(of: Float32.self) // All zeros when .inference