App clip default URL working great, but my associated domain url, although valid, is not launching my app clip

Good news bad news.

Good news- I have built my first app clip! After getting our app submission accepted, it gave us a working "default app clip url" in which successfully launches our app clip card and app clip.

Bad news- All this work was done to associate our app clip link with our website, so we could have a very clean URL, but that url is not launching our app clip card or the clip. Everything points to it looking good:

  • Diagnostics on apple developer settings are all green checkmarks: associated domains, app clip published on app store, smart app banner.

  • My associated domain url is "validated" on app store connect

  • My website has a smart app banner with meta tag with bundle identifier, and a open graph photo configured.

  • My app clip has the domain in it's entitlements file

What I'm expecting: Sending a text with the website's url should show me my app clip card, and not open my website, instead the app clip.

I shouldn't need to configure an advanced app clip experience because it's just via Messenger.. right? According to the documentation, advanced experiences should be for maps, qr codes, etc, right?

From what it seems... everything is set up completely right... so how come when I send myself a text message with the website's URL, it's not popping up with the app clip card?

I'm experiencing the same exact thing.

Prior to default app clip links, it appears that the default link was supposed to be whatever we specified in Associated Domains in the app, and the AASA file on our site.

Nothing in the documentation references being able to overwrite the apple provided link...

From Support invocations from links people share in Messages: Sharing your App Clip in Messages requires that the recipient’s device:

  • Runs iOS 14 or later

  • Contains the sender as a contact in the Contacts app

If a person shares the link with someone else as an SMS, the recipient must opt to load the rich link before they can tap the preview to launch the App Clip. ...

In addition to the above requirements, you must provide the preview image that appears in the Messages app.

App clip default URL working great, but my associated domain url, although valid, is not launching my app clip