RealityKit scene with the Entity Component System

I'm following WWDC for interactive 3D content in reality composer pro and apple's document

However, this simple code to declare a dummy Component and System has compile error

/Users/Workspaces/repository/Packages/RealityKitContent/Sources/RealityKitContent/RobotComponent.swift:18:24 Static property 'query' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'EntityQuery' may have shared mutable state

    // Define a query to return all entities with a MyComponent.
    private static let query = EntityQuery(where: .has(MyComponent.self))

    // Initializer is required. Use an empty implementation if there's no setup needed.
    required init(scene: Scene) { }

    // Iterate through all entities containing a MyComponent.
    func update(context: SceneUpdateContext) {
        for entity in context.entities(
            matching: Self.query,
            updatingSystemWhen: .rendering
        ) {
            // Make per-update changes to each entity here.

I'm using XCode beta3 and project target visionos 2

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RealityKit scene with the Entity Component System