Suggestion for new app icon tints

I feel like with the option to have many custom wallpapers that you can select from and create, we should be able to have a way of creating a preset for the icon tint color along with the wallpaper.

For example, If i have one wallpaper that is orange, and i make the icons match that and make them orange tinted, and later make another wallpaper preset with a green wallpaper with green icon tints. When i switch wallpapers, the icon color tint that was set with that wallpaper should appear (orange background w/ orange tint or green background w/ green tint).

As of right now, if I set the app icons tint, and change the wallpaper, the app icons tint stays the same as it was with the other background, and becomes mismatched in a way (orange background with green icons when i had set orange icons).

Answered by darkpaw in 795441022

You should probably raise this suggestion in a Feedback report at then post the FB number here.

You should probably raise this suggestion in a Feedback report at then post the FB number here.

Suggestion for new app icon tints