visionOS 2—Immersive Space/GroupActivity Issue

Platform and Version

  • Development Environment: Xcode 16 Beta 3

  • visionOS 2 Beta 3

Description of Problem

I am currently working on integrating SharePlay into my visionOS 2 application. The application features a fully immersive space where users can interact. However, I have encountered an issue during testing on TestFlight.

When a user taps a button to activate SharePlay via the GroupActivity's activate() method within the immersive space, the immersive space visually disappears but is not properly dismissed. Instead, the immersive space can be made to reappear by turning the Digital Crown. Unfortunately, when it reappears, it overlaps with the built-in OS immersive space, resulting in a mixed and confusing user interface. This behavior is particularly concerning because the immersive space is not progressive and should not work with the Digital Crown being turned.

It is important to note that this problem is only present when testing the app via TestFlight. When the same build is compiled with the Release configuration and run directly through Xcode, the immersive space behaves as expected, and the issue does not occur.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Build a project that includes a fully immersive space and incorporates GroupActivity support.

  2. Add a button within a window or through a RealityView attachment that triggers the GroupActivity's activate() method.

  3. Upload the build to TestFlight.

  4. Connect to a FaceTime call.

  5. Open the app and enter a immersive space then press the button to activate the Group Activity.

visionOS 2—Immersive Space/GroupActivity Issue