NetworkingDriverKitSampleApp "driver is not connected".

Hi, I'm trying to test the NetworkingDriverKitSampleApp at for a while but I couldn't reach the final steps described in the documentation.

My setup: Xcode 15.4, MacBook Pro M3 with Sonoma 14.5, SIP is disabled.

I prepared the required provisinning profiles with required entitelements. Dext and app builds successfully. Build path starts with "/Applications". "Install Dext" operation is successful without any error after allowing necessary permission. However, neither System Settings shows any new enXX interface, nor ioreg command shows a registered service while "systemextensionctl list" shows the expected result as a record with [ activated enabled ].

I repeated the same steps for "Driver Kit Sample" at, "Install Dext" step succesful but "Communicate With Dext" results in "Driver is not connected" message. Similar to previous project, ioreg doesn't show any service for the dext while systemextensionctl lists [activeted enabled]. I also test an updated version of DriverKitSample at, which reproduced the same results.

Finally, my device experiences seldom crashes after passing sleep state when the dext remains installed; where crash report points "IOReg".

Is there any lacking steps on Apple documentation for Sonoma 14.5 or XCode 15.4 versions?


I've replied to this here.

Kevin Elliott
DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware

NetworkingDriverKitSampleApp "driver is not connected".