We are seeing a small issue on our app with a subscription in app purchase and wondering whether this should be a cause for concern.
We have 2 subscription based IAPs and 1 consumable within the app. I recently noticed that after buying one of the subscriptions and cancelling it if I try to buy the product again, it skips the purchase flow on our Test Flight builds.
I added some logs, and it appears that Product.purchase() returns right away and the resulting transaction also comes back as verified, but the new purchase is not added to current entitlements.
I managed to get the flow working after I logged out from my Sandbox account from settings, but after I did another subscription cancellation, I could not purchase the product anymore. This only happens on our Test Flight builds. If I launch the app through Xcode and use a store kit configuration file at launch, I get the purchase popup every time I try to buy the product.
It also appears to me that this only happens on a product that I have purchased previously. For the other subscription that I have not purchased before the popup shows up every time.
Is this something that we should be concerned about and is there a way to make sure the purchase popup shows up every time?
Thank you.
Kind regards, Fardin