Folder-level search option in Notes app

Hello Apple team,

I would like to request a feature to include a search option within each folder in the Notes app, both on MacBook and iPhone. Currently, the global search function searches all notes, which can be overwhelming when dealing with a large number of notes (I have over 700+ notes).

A folder-level search option would allow users to quickly find specific notes within a designated folder, making organization and retrieval more efficient. This feature would be a valuable addition to the Notes app, and I believe it would benefit many users who rely on the app for note-taking and organization.

Thank you for considering my request!"

Additionally, you can also mention the benefits of this feature, such as:

  • Improved note organization and management
  • Enhanced productivity and time-saving
  • Better user experience and satisfaction

By providing clear and concise feedback, you can help Apple understand the value of this feature and consider implementing it in future updates.

These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are NOT where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff, or takes feature requests.

You should raise a Feedback report here:

Folder-level search option in Notes app