Pay attention to StoreKit Configuration settings

It's not a question, I just want to share my experience of resolving a bug.

We where adding a new product to the app and couldn't get why it's not loading. StoreKit 2 simply did not return the product, so we switched to StoreKit 1 to get invalidProductIdentifiers from the response. The product was there of course. So many time was spend... We checked App Store configuration, everything was approved. Checked id, localization, multiple devices. Everyone start to get mad, we filled issues for RevenueCat and Apple. Then we uploaded a TF build (because product wasn't loading when running from Xcode). And, suddenly the product did appear there!

I understood that it can be connected to StoreKit Configuration, since it works only in debugger mode (Debug or Release), but not in TF. But there was no any .storekit files in the project folder. I search it many times - no success.

And finally the bug was resolved when I checked Run Scheme. As you can see on the screenshot, it has red value under StoreKit Configuration. That means there where a file before, but than it was removed. So I changed it to None and the product started to work in debug. Great!

I hope this post helps, don't fall to the same error as me!

Related article: Setting up StoreKit Testing in Xcode

Pay attention to StoreKit Configuration settings