
We are to judge the AVAudioSessionInterruptionOptionShouldResume, to restore the audio playback. We have been online for a long time and have been able to resume audio playback normally. But recently we've had a lot of user feedback as to why the audio won't resume playing. Based on this feedback, we checked and found that there were some apps that did not play audio but occupied audio all the time. For example, when a user was using the wechat app, after sending a voice message, we received a notification to resume audio playback, and wechat did not play audio either. But we resume play times wrong AVAudioSessionErrorCodeCannotInterruptOthers. After that, we gave feedback to the wechat app and fixed the problem. But we still have some users feedback this problem, we do not know which app is maliciously occupying audio, so we do not know which aspect to troubleshoot the problem. We pay close attention to user feedback and hope it can help us solve user experience problems.
