Accessing camera coordinates during Roomplan

Is there a way to access the coordinates of where the camera is while scanning the room with Roomplan?

Hello! You can access the camera from the ARSession of the RoomPlan.

func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didUpdate room: CapturedRoom) {
        guard let currentFrame = session.arSession.currentFrame?.camera else { return }
        // use camera here

This example is on captureSession - didUpdate but you can get it from any method from RoomCaptureSessionDelegate, more specifically from RoomCaptureSession object.

I made a typo here, should have been camera, not currentFrame.


[quote='798161022, spaceshrooms, /thread/758195?answerId=798161022#798161022, /profile/spaceshrooms']

Accessing camera coordinates during Roomplan