UIVisualEffectView isn't blurred during the device rotation

Hey everyone,

I’m facing a bug when using UIVisualEffectView in a SwiftUI context via UIViewRepresentable. When the SwiftUI view modifier .blur(radius: xx, opaque: true) is applied to it during rotation, the blur effect isn’t applied. Instead, the view becomes completely white or black, depending on the UIBlurEffect.Style applied to the UIVisualEffectView.

I’m not sure how to proceed with this issue and am seeking your help. Below is a simple, reproducible piece of code:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {

                .blur(radius: 7, opaque: true)

#Preview {

private struct GlassBackgroundView: UIViewRepresentable {

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIVisualEffectView {
        UIVisualEffectView(effect: UIBlurEffect(style: .regular))

    func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIVisualEffectView, context: Context) { }
UIVisualEffectView isn't blurred during the device rotation