Object Tracking Failed to load from object reference

I was following Explore object tracking for visionOS to load an object reference, but got this error:

Failed to load reference object from URL: ObjectTrackingProvider.Error(code: referenceObjectLoadingFailed, errorDescription: "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.arkit error 1101.)", failureReason: "", recoverySuggestion: ""

Here is what I have, not sure if it is an code error, or something with the system:

private func loadReferenceObject() {
        Task {
            // Load the reference object
            let refObjURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "objectTrackerBox", withExtension: ".referenceobject")
            if let refObjURL = refObjURL {
                do {
                    let refObj = try await ReferenceObject(from: refObjURL)
                    logMessage = "Reference object loaded successfully: \(refObj)"
                } catch {
                    logMessage = "Failed to load reference object from URL: \(error)"
            } else {
                logMessage = "Failed to find the reference object file."
Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 791087022

Hi! Have you tried building and running the sample code ? It's a great start to familiarize yourself with the API. This way you can also check if the source of error is in the app code or the .referenceobject file. It comes prepackaged with a reference object file of an Apple Magic Keyboard that you can track. But even if you don't have that item, you can still check if that file is loaded by the ARKit API and then also try with your own files.

Accepted Answer

Hi! Have you tried building and running the sample code ? It's a great start to familiarize yourself with the API. This way you can also check if the source of error is in the app code or the .referenceobject file. It comes prepackaged with a reference object file of an Apple Magic Keyboard that you can track. But even if you don't have that item, you can still check if that file is loaded by the ARKit API and then also try with your own files.

Object Tracking Failed to load from object reference