D3DMetal: Unsupported APIs lead to game crash

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 crashes right after launch while using Game Porting Toolkit 2. The following errors by wine-preloader can be found in the Console:

error	16:25:59.318998+0300	wine-preloader	Unsupported API: IDXGISwapChain3::SetColorSpace1
error	16:26:00.039271+0300	wine-preloader	Unsupported API: D3D11 timestamp query

Thank you for reporting this. The evaluation environment currently does not support timestamp queries. We are aware of the need for this functionality.

Is this by any chance planned for release for when macOS Sequoia releases to the public?

We do not discuss future plans.

D3DMetal: Unsupported APIs lead to game crash