Animations exported from Blender does not shoe in Reality Composer Pro

I made an animation in Blender using geometry nodes that I exported to USDC file (then I used Reality Converter to convert to USDZ) and I can see the animation when viewing from the finder but does not play after importing to RCP. Any idea how I can play the animation? Or can the animation be accessed through Xcode?


Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 789747022

Animations do not play automatically. You have to write code to play an Entity's animation. Here's a snippet that creates an Entity (from a USDZ file in a RealityKit content bundle) and play's its animation.

RealityView { content in
    if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "USDZName", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
        if let animation = scene.availableAnimations.first {

Here's a link to the documentation for Entity.playAnimation.

Animations do not play automatically. You have to write code to play an Entity's animation. Here's a snippet that creates an Entity (from a USDZ file in a RealityKit content bundle) and play's its animation.

RealityView { content in
    if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "USDZName", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
        if let animation = scene.availableAnimations.first {

Here's a link to the documentation for Entity.playAnimation.

Thanks! I'm aware that you have to activate the animation in Xcode but I thought you could also see the animation when you import it into Reality Composer Pro as I'd like to see how it changes with shader graph applied. Is this possible? As it does not play the animation in RCP. Thanks again!

Thanks for clarifying your question. The animation should play in Reality Composer Pro when you:

  • Select the entity or its parent.
  • Click the play button which is located in the top left corner of the Inspector view (just above the Transform inputs). You can open the inspector by navigating to View -> Show Inspector. Clicking the play button will play the animation on the entity and the animations of its children entities.
Animations exported from Blender does not shoe in Reality Composer Pro