CloudKit + SwiftData

I am currently working on an app that utilizes SwiftData, and I am planning to integrate CloudKit. My current challenge involves managing a Day object that gets inserted when the date changes to track daily progress. Additionally, I want to prompt users to create a username during the app's onboarding process. I am concerned that this could lead to synchronization issues, such as duplicate entries for the same day or multiple user accounts being created. I assume blocking the app until everything is synced from CloudKit is not a practical solution. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to handle this?

Furthermore, I would like to implement a community feature where users can post content. I noticed that CloudKit offers a public database. Is this database suitable for such a feature, or would I need to develop a separate backend to support it?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 791141022

In the CloudKit environment, duplicates can indeed happen if multiple peers can create the same data. We discuss this topic in Remove duplicate data. (As of today, SwiftData + CloudKit integration uses NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, and so the content applies.)

Regarding CloudKit public database, yeah, it fits the use case where any user can generate data and all users can read the data. However, SwiftData + CloudKit public database integration is not supported today. You probably need to stick with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer if to use CloudKit public database.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Accepted Answer

In the CloudKit environment, duplicates can indeed happen if multiple peers can create the same data. We discuss this topic in Remove duplicate data. (As of today, SwiftData + CloudKit integration uses NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, and so the content applies.)

Regarding CloudKit public database, yeah, it fits the use case where any user can generate data and all users can read the data. However, SwiftData + CloudKit public database integration is not supported today. You probably need to stick with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer if to use CloudKit public database.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

CloudKit + SwiftData