Is property `id` forbidden for @Model?

I'm currently working on SwiftData, and having trouble with id properties. I was constantly getting this error with my @Model.

error: Row (pk = 1) for entity 'AnalyzedMessage' is missing mandatory text data for property 'id'
Timestamp: 2024-05-31 14:13:24.483647+09:00 | Library: CoreData | Subsystem: | Category: error


final class AnalyzedMessage {
    var id: String
    var user: User
    var createdAt: Date
    var text: String
    var attachments: [Attachment]
    var recording: Recording?
    var replyMessage: ReplyMessage?

As I remove all properties named id (including custom Value types), error just disappeared and app works as I intended with no issue .

final class AnalyzedMessage {
    var messageID: String
    var user: User
    var createdAt: Date
    var text: String
    var recording: Recording?

I thought using property named id causes problem only when fetching some data like this: context.model(for:

So, is property id taken by @Model and forbidden to use?
If so, I think there should be a safe-guard for miss-usage just like in my case.

+) However, lots of open-source libraries use property id for their models. Do we have to handle all of these models to bypass not to use it?

I think it's pretty disturbing..

Is property `id` forbidden for @Model?