Why I need to press an interactive button two times in a Widget to trigger the AppIntention?

I have a basic Widget with a button to toggle the home lights, the buttons triggers the following AppIntention:

import WidgetKit
import AppIntents

struct ConfigurationAppIntent: WidgetConfigurationIntent {
    static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Bulb state"
    static var description = IntentDescription("This is an example widget.")

struct ToggleStateIntent: AppIntent {
    static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Toggle light state"
    func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
        await WizClient.shared.toggleState()
        return .result()

The problem is that I must be running the app with xcode (in my phone, not simulator) to work fine, when I stop xcode the button must be pressed two times to trigger the AppIntention.

The toggle function works well on the app with a toggle component.

Here is the widget:

import WidgetKit
import SwiftUI

struct Provider: AppIntentTimelineProvider {
    func placeholder(in context: Context) -> SimpleEntry {
        SimpleEntry(date: Date(), configuration: ConfigurationAppIntent())

    func snapshot(for configuration: ConfigurationAppIntent, in context: Context) async -> SimpleEntry {
        SimpleEntry(date: Date(), configuration: configuration)
    func timeline(for configuration: ConfigurationAppIntent, in context: Context) async -> Timeline<SimpleEntry> {
        let timeline = Timeline(entries: [SimpleEntry(date: Date(), configuration: configuration)], policy: .atEnd)
        return timeline

struct SimpleEntry: TimelineEntry {
    let date: Date
    let configuration: ConfigurationAppIntent

struct BulbActionsEntryView : View {
    var entry: Provider.Entry
    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            Button(intent: ToggleStateIntent()){

struct BulbActions: Widget {
    let kind: String = "BulbActions"

    var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
        AppIntentConfiguration(kind: kind, intent: ConfigurationAppIntent.self, provider: Provider()) { entry in
            BulbActionsEntryView(entry: entry)
                .containerBackground(.fill.tertiary, for: .widget)

extension ConfigurationAppIntent {
    fileprivate static var test: ConfigurationAppIntent {
        let intent = ConfigurationAppIntent()
        print("Intent -> \(intent)")
        return intent

#Preview(as: .systemSmall) {
} timeline: {
    SimpleEntry(date: .now, configuration: .test)
Why I need to press an interactive button two times in a Widget to trigger the AppIntention?