Insufficient Metrics Data

No metrics data found for the latest app versions with sufficient usage.

What is sufficient usage ? Can we define sufficient usage ourself ? if Yes then how ? wwwdc200 does mention factor of 5, but 5 of what ? and when where is the definition ?

Organizer -> Metrics is useless if there is no data.

If someone knows the fix please suggest.

I think these numbers are only useful for high-volume (i.e. free) apps. I have paid apps that together make enough income for me to live on, but these stats always show "insufficient data".

@sikandernoori the threshold is not documented, you could ask the performance team at WWDC24 but I doubt you'll get an exact answer. It changes from year to year as you noted--consider it an implementation detail.

Regarding Xcode Organizer, depending on what data you're after, you might be better fit to collect MetricKit payloads, ship off device, and do your own analysis. You won't be subject to any aggregation limits, but you do have to manage the data and do some math or visualization by hand.

Insufficient Metrics Data