My Apple Watch is not available as a build destination for xcode

A few days ago I was able to build to my apple watch which is paired to my iphone.

I upgraded to the current release of IOS which is 17.4.1. I also updated my apple watch to 10.4. Once I completed these updates I had issue where the watch was running 10.4, but when I. viewed the apple watch using manage run destinations. It still said 10.1

I unplugged the iphone from mac a few times, restarted XCode but still could not use the apple watch to build a 10.4 build to it.

I did my basic research and read that you also you might need to reboot the mac. After some time i decided to break the trust with my mac and apple watch, then since that time I have not been able to view it in the device list.

Next steps taken, was to unpair the apple watch from my I phone and repair. Next on the Iphone I cleared trusted devices.

Then I attached my iphone to the mac, and retrusted my iphone and apple watch.

I also have the mac up to the newest version Sonoma 14.4.1

Xcode can see my IPhone, but not the watch

xcrun devicectl list devices shows Devices: Name Hostname Identifier State Model

Barry's IPhone 14 Pro Barrys-IPhone-14-Pro.coredevice.local xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxA209B connected iPhone 14 Pro (iPhone15,2)

Manage Run Destinations shows my IPhone details but still does not show any paired devices.

I have made sure that the watch is in Developer Mode

I have Associated Domains Developement enabled

WidgetKit Developer Mode is disabled

What would be my next steps in resolving this issue? Thanks

Answered by bxw0405 in 785515022

I again Closed XCode, restarted my Mac. attached my Iphone. Got a Trust Requst and Accepted. Now it appears it is available to build to again.

Accepted Answer

I again Closed XCode, restarted my Mac. attached my Iphone. Got a Trust Requst and Accepted. Now it appears it is available to build to again.

My Apple Watch is not available as a build destination for xcode