Apple Push Certificate Portal page not working

Hi everyone.

I've been trying to set up my Macs in Intune. One of the key requirements is to create a push certificate for my environment. I can get past the upload page on the Apple Push Certificate Portal. Once I click the upload button on the web page after choosing my CSR file, I get this the page on the CSR file "The page you’re looking for can’t be found". I get the same message every time I refresh or log back into the page doing these steps. I don't know what to do. Would anyone have any advice on this? Or is this solely an Apple problem? Just if it's of any relevance, I am in Australia.

It wasn't working for me yesterday as well but I tried again today and it worked.

There was an issue with the site on Wednesday. This has since been resolved. Please try your request again.

Apple Push Certificate Portal page not working