VPN configuration profile ApplicationExceptions key?

Hi! Notice for the VPN of type "Always On", this site indicates a ApplicationExceptions key. But on the configuration manual it's not found. I'm trying to indicate a couple apps that should be able to bypass the always on vpn, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? THanks

appears here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/vpn/alwayson/applicationexceptionelement

not here: https://developer.apple.com/business/documentation/Configuration-Profile-Reference.pdf

The Configuration Profile Reference PDF is a legacy document that hasn't been updated in 5 years. You should use the Device Management site for current documentation.

That portion of the configuration profile looks correct.

If this is still not working, please file developer feedback with Apple and attach the configuration profile. Please reproduce the issue, capture a sysdiagnose, and submit that with the feedback. Please also include approximate timestamps of when you installed the configuration profile, and when the network requests from the apps occurred.

VPN configuration profile ApplicationExceptions key?