The Financials Post

Dear members,

The lack of enumeration during the documentation has lead to the situation where the sizing of the text can no longer be used to categorise anything. Take an example of the Apple Technologies (where the standardised way to read and type both are missing).

Also, suggestions from the members related to running the numbers (about updating the real-time prices of the underlying assets) in the iOS application and the usage of the most relevant frameworks will be highly appreciated.

Waiting to hear back soon.

I can add more comments in this post to make it a useful thread for the people who are interested in developing the applications related to the Financials sector.

I am collecting my order from Highpoint (in Australia VIC 3032) and I have discussed the possibility of strengthening the Apple Developer Forums for the categorisation of the syntactic components (executable in the compiler (such as Xcode)) for building the interfaces (related to the applications that can be locally installed and distributed through App Store).

More syntactic condensation (present as the syntax in the Apple Technologies Subjects (where the plural form of the word ‘subject’ is intentionally used to represent the syntax as more than one command line for the utilisation of the Apple Technologies)) is needed to help the users and the developers of the Apple Inc.’s devices.

The Financials Post