What is expected behavior of apple when uninstall application while joining PTT channel?

Hi. I'm fixing issue of my push to talk app behavior. While I'm joining Push To Talk channel, then I uninstall application, application does not exist but system shows PushToTalk status in status bar with blue button.

I want to automatically leave channel after uninstall app, but now I cannot handle this behavior.

If there is some expected behavior of apple, I want to know it but I cannot find their expectation in any document. Does anyone know it?

best regards.

The system should automatically leave the PushToTalk channel when the app that joined that channel is uninstalled by the user. If you are seeing a situation where the system indicates that the user is joined to a channel after the user deleted the associated app please capture a sysdiagnose a submit a Feedback report.

What is expected behavior of apple when uninstall application while joining PTT channel?