PluginKit Code 4 error and fail to launch notification service extension

I've got an app which has a notification service extension (and has had so for a few years). I noticed that the pushes were getting delivered directly to the user for a handset, and in the log could see a SpringBoard error saying

Error Domain=PluginKit Code=4 RBSLanchRequest error trying to launch plugin Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 Launch failed ErrorDomain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=111 Unknown error:111

I rebooted the phone and it started working as expected. But it's worrisome this happened, and it's not the first time I've seen it either.

Observed with iOS 17.3.1

Answered by Engineer in 50303025

This is a known issue, with the current workaround being rebooting of the device.

Accepted Answer

This is a known issue, with the current workaround being rebooting of the device.

PluginKit Code 4 error and fail to launch notification service extension