Adding 2D PNG to Reality Composer Pro

I've got a couple 2D PNG assets that I want to add to a scene made of a couple other udsz files in RCP (picture adding a couple 2D videogame characters to a simple 3D diorama).

When I try to drag the PNGs to the workspace or the file tree…nothing happens.

I found a walkthrough on Medium (called "Importing and Exporting Personalized Objects for Augmented Reality: Reality Composer and SwiftUI" for those curious as I can't link to Medium posts here) that makes it look like users could do this with simple drag-and-drop. The Medium post is from June 2023, and in the screenshots RCP visually looks a lot more like Reality Composer on iPad, so I'm assuming it's changed a lot since then?

Is there still a way to do this? I've tried adding the 2D elements to a scene with Blenders "import images as planes," but I'm getting weird halos around them and was hoping RCP could make the process a bit easier/cleaner.

There may be an issue with your textures specifically but first let's confirm how you're adding textures to your project, as this is different in Reality Composer Pro vs Reality Composer.

In Reality Composer Pro 2D/texture assets can't be added directly to the scene. Instead they must first be added to the project browser, then assigned to 3D assets as materials.

The steps would be roughly:

  • Add your textures to the project browser
  • Add a 3D asset to your scene (such as a cube or plane)
  • Create a new material via the + icon
  • Assign your image to that material
  • Then, select the object and update its material bindings in the right hand panel.

Your Blender approach of importing the images as planes should also work (as it largely does those same steps just inside of Blender). The halos around the images is something we can troubleshoot if you prefer that method. Likely that will involve changing settings for your materials.

Adding 2D PNG to Reality Composer Pro