Reality Composer Pro - animate per vertex with noise?

I am struggling to figure out how to make a shader to animate each vertex of a model separately using noise. I watched a video on how to do this in Unity, but I think something must be different with how Reality Composer Pro handles the noise nodes?

For example, in this graph I just hooked up the noise node directly to the geometry modifier:

In my output you can see the plane is adjust per-vertex using the noise node. My goal would be to animate this like waves, but moving the noise.

So in this graph I use time with sin to adjust the UV of the noise. This seems to change the noise node to output a single value (I guess that makes sense, since I modify the UV, it results in a single value, at that UV in the noise map). So then, I take that as the Y value and put it back into the geometry modifier. But now it doesn't work per-vertex, it moves the whole model up and down (based on the single value coming out of the noise map).

How do I make this apply to each vertex of the noise map individually?

This is an example of the output I want in Unity, the plane is being adjusted per-vertex by a scrolling 2d noise node:

Dug in some more last night and I think you just can't scroll noise in the Reality Composer Pro shader graph right now. The "Texture Coordinates" seem to all switch a 2d (or 3d) image node (like noise or even a regular texture) to a output a single value, and there is no way to make that back into an image.

However, 'tiling and offset' seems to be the functionality that I want. Unfortunately, only the 'TiledImage' node supports UV tiling and offset. None of the noise nodes support this, and I can't figure out how to make a noise node be tiled or offset by using other nodes.

I did download an image of Perlin noise, and loaded that into a TiledImage node, then offset it using my example above and got similar behavior to what I want.

That results in a preview like this, which is sorta like what I want. I don't like the SIN back and forth, but I can prob fix that. The main thing is that it is changing each vertex. Just wish you could UV tile/offset the noise node!

If I understand the problem here, what you want to do is multiply the position value by some constant to scale the noise. You can try values like 0.25 or 2.0 etc to start, and observe the effect they have.

something like [Time ] + [position * constant] > noise position.

likely what's happening is that the noise frequency is not scaled correctly for your geometry so every vertex appears to move the same amount.

You can scroll the Noise2D by scrolling the TextureCoordinates you provide to that node. You can scroll (translate) texture coordinates with addition.

To achieve the affect you are looking for, add Time to the Texcoord node and connect that result to the Noise2D's "Texture Coordinates".

Texcoord + Time = Diagonally Scrolling Texture Coordinates

You can scroll the Texcoord in different directions by changing which axes time affects. For example, you could scroll left to right (x axes) like this:

Texcoord + Combine(x: Time, y: 0) = ScrollingTexCoords

Hope this helps!

Reality Composer Pro - animate per vertex with noise?