Problem iOS camera detect QR code with vCard Containing Space in FullName

Dear Team,

I am trying to add contact from QRCode. But it seems that the built-in QR code reader of iphone camera isn't able to decode the FullName with space containing in last name correctly ex:-Collin A. Al Miller.

I have attached all the screenshot for your reference.

Here are the examples:

  1. When I am trying to focus iphone camera on QRCode the fullname (Collin A. Al Miller). scan the

The full name its giving the empty result without the fullname. The attached screenshot details a)CameraQRNotWorking b)NotWorkingQRCOde

2)When i try to removed the blank space and tried to add comma or - in the full name its getting recognised and its working perfectly. The attached screenshot name a)CameraQRCodeWorking b)workingQRCODE

3)Both the full name are working perfectly in QR camera scanner of android Collin A. Al-Miller or Collin A, Al Miller. The attached screenshot name AndroidQRCODE

Hope this issue will get resolved in upcoming release. Kindly provide the feedback relatedto this issue

Code to generate vcard 
 var str = "BEGIN:VCARD \n" +
      "VERSION:2.1 \n" +
      "FN:\("Collin A. Al Miller") \n" +
      "TITLE:\("") \n"
      if options.showPersonalPhone {
          str.append(contentsOf: "item1.TEL;CELL:\("+91987654320") \n")
          str.append(contentsOf: "item1.X-ABLabel:Mobile\n")
      if options.showWorkPhone {
          str.append(contentsOf: "item2.TEL;WORK;VOICE:\("+91987654320") \n")
          str.append(contentsOf: "item2.X-ABLabel:Work Phone\n")
      if options.showEmail  {
          str.append(contentsOf: "item3.EMAIL;WORK;INTERNET:\("") \n")
          str.append(contentsOf: "item3.X-ABLabel:Work Email\n")
      if options.showWebsite {
          str.append(contentsOf: " \n")
      if options.showLocation {
          str.append(contentsOf: "ADR;WORK:;;\("Bangalore") \n")
      str.append(contentsOf: "END:VCARD")

if you think you've found a bug, file one using Feedback Assistant. Bugs you report here are not entered in Apple's bug report tracker.

Thanks for the update. I have already reported using feedback assistant.

Problem iOS camera detect QR code with vCard Containing Space in FullName