DDM, AppManaged and app upgrade


I could not find information in the doc (which is still beta, I understand) : how are app upgrade handled by DDM AppManaged ?

With MDM, sending InstalledApplication command will upgrade the app to the most suitable recent version ; HasUpdateAvailable flag tells MDM server (more or less accurately) if there is an update and then Organizations can keep apps up to date as quickly as possible if needed.

But with DDM, we just have a declaration where we tell the device to install a given app, and that's it. Is there any detail about how the device upgrades apps, and how frequently ?


Right now DDM installed apps are automatically updated (typically over night), assuming the user choose that option in Settings for the AppStore. We recognize that there need to be more flexible ways for admins to control that. We would welcome feedback (at https://feedback.apple.com) if you have specific requirements you would like to see met.

DDM, AppManaged and app upgrade