Can't web inspect Safari in VisionOS 1.1 I get "No Inspectable Applications"

I've been having a hard time getting WebXR testing working in VisionOS. I had Ventura and installed VisionOS 1.0 and video crashed launching to WebXR. To get 1.1 I did alot of jumps to get XCode 15.3 beta and VisionOS 1.1 requiring to also upgrade to macOS Sonoma.

In Ventura I was able to web inspect Safari in VisionOS 1.0 but in Sonoma, and VisionOS 1.1 I get "No Inspectable Applications"

I have tried Safari and Preview Safari.

I forgot to mention. in VisionOS 1.1 I get no video displaying in my VR feature and can't remote debug. Video render is black launching to WebXR. I think there its a WebGL render bug in VisionOS 1.1 but can't remote debug. And there was severe crash bugs preventing video playback launching to WebXR in 1.0. I don't know what to bug report yet and a serious run around.

It seems to be also a problem with IOS Simulator. 17.4

I'm in Sonoma, and see the same thing with Vision Pro (1.1 b4). iPhone works as expected.

There is a bug with remote inspection of Safari in visionOS. A fix was made and is coming soon.

Remote inspection of Safari on other platforms is not impacted.

The issue with remote inspection of content in Safari on visionOS has been fixed as of visionOS 1.2 (currently available in beta, Simulator available with Xcode 15.4) both on-device and in Simulator. A fix for devices was made earlier in a patch release to visionOS 1.1

You may still encounter another issue with content not being remote-inspectable:

The workaround described there works for visionOS Simulator too: open the page again in another tab in Safari on the Simulator.

That bug has also been addressed and a fix is coming in a future OS update.

Track to know when a public build is available.

Can't web inspect Safari in VisionOS 1.1 I get "No Inspectable Applications"