TipKit with playground

hello, how can i add tipkit into my app for WWDC. i think using a tipkit may not be suitable for playground. What would be the best approach for adding this feature to my app?

There's nothing special about TipKit when it comes to Swift Playgrounds. It can be added to a view just like any of the built-in SwiftUI views. Just remember to import TipKit and call Tips.configure(). The below screenshot shows TipKit in a simple Playground project running on iPad.

I think you just need to change the Minimum deployment target to iOS 17 from the playground app directly (you can do that just from the playground app not from Xcode, if you use Xcode just open the file in playground to change the Minimum deployment target then open it again from Xcode as usual )

because its happen with me too 🤗

good luck!

TipKit with playground