Spatial Video In Apple Vision Pro

HELP! How could I play a spatial video in my own vision pro app like the official app Photos? I've used API of AVKit to play a spatial video in XCode vision pro simulator with the guild of the official developer document, this video could be played but it seems different with what is played through app Photos. In Photos the edge of the video seems fuzzy but in my own app it has a clear edge. How could I play the spatial video in my own app with the effect like what is in Photos?

In visionOS 2, you can use the new Quick Look Preview Application API to display local spatial video files from your app with the same spatial presentation styling as the Photos app.

For more information about all the new APIs for spatial media in visionOS 2, check out the Build compelling spatial photo and video experiences session from WWDC 2024.

For a deeper dive into the Quick Look Preview Application API, check out the What’s new in Quick Look for visionOS session.

Spatial Video In Apple Vision Pro